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Category SEO

Mobile Optimization: Best Practices and Tips

Mobile Optimization

Mobile Optimization: Introduction Nowadays, digital marketing is split into two parts: desktop and mobile, and your website must be optimized for mobile users. Mobile users generate more than 60% of internet traffic so missing out on mobile optimization means you…

How to Reduce Spam Score in SEO

How to Reduce spam score in SEO

Spamming is one of the major concerns for SEO experts, website owners, and digital marketers. It not only affects the reputation of the website but also impacts the ranking on search engines. A high spam score in SEO indicates that…

The Importance of Backlinks for SEO and How to Get Them

Introduction Have you ever wondered why it feels like SEO comes with a million moving parts? Between keeping your website’s content fresh, engaging, and optimized—not to mention the abundance of other elements like keyword research, competitor analysis, and more—it can…

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